e-Prescribing for eTHOMAS
Easier, quicker, & more secure for you & your patients.
Did you know?
The average physician writes 30 prescriptions a day and handles another 30 refill requests.
RxNT is the gold standard in electronic prescriptions, they are part of SureScripts, the major exchange for almost all prescription in the USA.
RxNT offers THOMAS users an integrated web and PDA product that gives health care providers of all sizes a flexible solution. RxNT does more than just let you send your prescriptions electronically, it will also assist both you and your patients in the selection of generic drugs (when possible), monitoring for drug interactions, and allowing you to see what other providers have prescribed for your patients. Electronic prescription submission also speeds up the processing of prescription pick-up for the waiting patient, cuts back on prescription forgeries, and saves you time and money.
For more information about RxNT & SureScripts please visit their website:
Featured Benefits
Integrated web and PDA connections
Comprehensive drug database
Real-time patient-specific medication history
Custom sig creator
Current and comprehensive real-time formularies
Drug, food, and allergy interaction screening
Access to more than 72,000 pharmacies nationwide in a HIPAA compliant interface
Point of care access
Reduced pharmacy call backs for illegibility