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Classic "old" ADAMS is going away*.

The writing is on the wall...

Classic "old" ADAMS is going away*.

December 31st is the Ending Date for Classic ADAMS

*If you have not moved from Classic ADAMS to ADAMS+Now is the time to make a plan to do so.

Never tried ADAMS+?

Once you try ADAMS+ you won't want to go back. There is your office before ADAMS+ and then there is your office after ADAMS+. After ADAMS+ your office life will run better, faster, smoother.

Online Scheduler

  • Patients can book appointments, 24/7, online. The online scheduler displays appointment availability in real time, & bookings are updated instantly into THOMAS

  • Select which providers, procedures, & times are displayed & each procedure can be customized by alloted time

  • Patients can waitlist themselves

  • "Blacklist" blocks chronic cancellers from scheduling online

Automated Confirmation Reminder

Set It and Forget It Customizable Automated System

  • You set the procedure types, providers, times & intervals for all outgoing messages

  • Data syncs with THOMAS 24/7 as it changes

  • Pre & Day of appointment reminders, recalls, & post appointment follow-up are all options

  • Patients confirm appointments & add them to their calendar with the click of a button

  • Once confirmed, ADAMS+ will not continue to send annoying confirmation messages

  • If the patient can't confirm, the True Text lets them send a request to reschedule, without having to call your office

Check-in Curbside or Office

Patient Forms & Check-in

  • Streamline patient intake, update, & check-in with digital forms & let patients register and check-in from anywhere

  • Patients can complete & digitally sign their registration, medical history & insurance forms

  • Create & use customized consent forms

  • New patients can complete intake forms securely from home

  • Forms are saved directly into eTHOMAS

True Text Communication

  • Real-time, true 2-way texting lets patients converse quickly via text, instead of calling & waiting on hold

  • Exclusive conversation view lets staff members view & manage the same discussion

  • Every conversation string is saved & archived

  • Instant desktop notifications for incoming texts

Treatment Plans & Info

  • Present your patients with treatment plans & obtain their consent in a simple & convenient way

  • Treatment plans & forms can be pulled from THOMAS

  • Patients can digitally sign on the spot

Social Media, Reputation, Marketing

  • Collect authentic online reviews using our special templates that discourage negative reviews from being posted online

  • Integrated with the major review platforms

  • Determine settings that will alert you when a negative review is posted online, so you can address it

Recall Wizard

  • Set your practice's recall preferences once and then let it go

  • Recall messages are sent out automatically, every day

  • Patients can schedule online with a link from their recall message

  • Recall messages are sent based on the last recall appointment date

Patient Communications is a Full-Time job. ADAMS+ is the best communications tool you can add to THOMAS!

Visit the new ADAMS+ Page for more information: Call to start your 30-day, risk-free trial today! 800.645.0955

Thanks for being a Genius client and letting us serve you.


— Genius Solutions, Inc.

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32125 Hollingsworth Ave Ste 200
Warren, MI 48092

Founded in 1986 by a team of health care software professionals, Genius Solutions has a proven track record in developing cutting edge healthcare software applications. We believe that comprehensive doesn't have to mean complicated. Use our years of R&D and healthcare experience to revolutionize how you work at your practice. Let us show you how!

You are just a phone call and a few touches away from an office revolution.

© 2024 by Genius Solutions, Inc.

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